Tackley Local History Group

Stories From Our Past

Glazed ceramic pot inscribed: A present from E Humphres to Miss Sharp, Tackley, March 2nd, 1898.

Coffee Lodge, Miss Sharp and a Teapot

An ornate personalised teapot begins this tale of temperance and philanthropy in the late 1800s.

Thin gold coin, 2 cm across, with an embossed design including a sheild. A piece is missing.

What Coins Can Tell Us

Coins and trade tokens, dating from the 3rd century BC to 1850, give context to Tackley.

Five men and two women in a field, most picking crops. Two horses with carts.

The Revolt of the Field

Rural poverty led to unrest and ultimately emigration from 1870s Oxfordshire, with some tragic consequences.

Latin inscription in stone.

The Standard Memorial

A memorial in St Nicholas’ Church begins this story of a seventeenth-century rector and his family.